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Optimize Processes

Personalized Experiences

Competitive Advantage

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights is a leading marketing automation platform and is part of Microsoft's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) suite. Dynamics 365 Customer Insights and Dynamics 365 Marketing are now merged into a single, comprehensive solution.

Make everything you do faster, smarter, and more connected.

Whether you're looking to grow your business, make your team's life easier, or just keep your data safe from the bad guys, digital transformation is your secret weapon to making it happen, no matter the size of your business. It's not just about keeping up; it's about setting the pace and leading the pack.

OPTRUA Artificial Intelligence

Digital transformation is a journey of change. Leverage technology to achieve strategic objectives, and build a resilient, agile organization capable of thriving in a digital age. Each step should be approached with a blend of strategic foresight, technical acumen, and empathetic change management to ensure success.


Digital Transformation is a complex and nuanced topic, however it can be broken down into 2 actionable steps – Process Improvement and Change Management


Optrua Power Apps

Build an ELEGANT Workflow

Optrua has a deep understanding of Business Process Improvement practices across various industries. Our team uses business process automation to enhance organizational efficiencies.


Managers who depend on guesswork for process enhancements may face a backlog of unending, error-prone projects. Without planning and a digital vision, essential improvements may be overlooked, leading to cosmetic changes or lasting inefficiencies.


Optrua employs a structured approach to pinpoint your business process enhancement needs.


We hold detailed sessions to really understand your business, pinpointing exactly where we can boost your revenue and cut costs fast.

AI Digital Analytics

Our ANALYSIS Meetings will:

  • Carefully evaluate each business process for compatibility with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and/or identify gaps that might necessitate a third-party solution, integration, or custom development.


  • Spot disconnected systems that may require integration, ideally streamlining all time-intensive manual tasks.

  • Discover bottlenecks or unconventional processes hindering progress. We outline the problem areas, analyze and streamline workflows, and devise an actionable plan.


  • Evaluate your current versus future operational states.


  • Conduct a risk/reward analysis for the leadership team.

We FOCUS on eliminating obstacles by:

Eliminating paper-based processes

Transitioning away from paper can significantly enhance efficiency. Studies show that reliance on paper can lead to employees wasting up to 20% of their time searching for information. Adopting digital practices reduces costs and adds value by going paperless.


Enhancing customer service

A Microsoft study found that 90% of Americans base their decision to engage with a business on the quality of customer service.

Customers expect smooth processes. Slow response times due to inaccessible information can drive customers away. Incorporating workflow automation can significantly improve service levels to meet customer expectations.


Streamlining document generation

Manual information handling between emails, PDFs, and spreadsheets leads to inefficiencies and errors, detracting from core activities.

By employing business process improvement techniques for automated document generation, you can introduce quality checks and use templates that auto-fill from existing system data.

Minimizing manual errors

Reliance on manual spreadsheets is inefficient and error-prone, potentially jeopardizing the business. With studies indicating that 88% of spreadsheets contain errors, it's clear that many of these are preventable human mistakes. Using your CRM system's data can reduce manual intervention and associated errors, leading to more accurate and efficient operations.


Optrua provides a clear roadmap to identify and fix growth-impeding processes within your organization.

You don't have to tackle this alone. We're here to help you refine your processes, reduce time on non-essential tasks, boost product and service quality, and achieve higher compliance levels.


Optrua Power Apps

Winning BUY-IN

We understand people and technology. Changing your processes and technology can be daunting, but we can help you through it. 


We are masters at change management; we know it is crucial for successfully adopting and integrating new technology into an organization.


Managing Change Internally

User Adoption: Help employees embrace and effectively use new technology by:

  • Building user momentum

  • Alleviating user fears

  • Highlighting technology advantages

  • Addressing resistance

  • Providing training

Reduced Resistance to Change: Mitigating natural resistance within the organization with strategies that:

  • Provide open communication

  • Foster a culture of adaptability

  • ​Reduce resistance to new technology

Employee Engagement: Empowering employees to own the transition, thereby:

  • Supporting the change

  • Contributing valuable insights

  • ​Feeling valued by the organization

Streamlining Transition and Enhancing Efficiency

Smooth Transition: Ensuring a seamless shift to new technology by:

  • Minimizing disruptions

  • Reducing downtime

  • Mitigating potential risks

Optimized Processes: Reviewing and refining operations to ensure new technology:

  • Aligns with organizational objectives

  • Supports necessary workflows

  • Improves efficiency and effectiveness

Increased Productivity: Achieving quicker acceptance and proficiency in new technology, leading to:

  • Increased productivity

  • Enhanced overall efficiency

  • Empowerment

Risk Management and External Impact

Risk Mitigation: Identifying and addressing potential risks to:

  • Proactively identify challenges

  • Predict possible setbacks

  • Reduce costly disruptions

Cost Efficiency: Minimizing financial impacts by avoiding:

  • Costly mistakes

  • Unnecessary delays

  • Cost overruns

Competitive Advantage: Gaining an edge in the market by:

  • Increased productivity

  • Enhanced overall efficiency

  • Empowerment

Enhanced Customer Experience: Delivering superior service that fosters loyalty and referrals through:

  • Improved processes

  • Increased productivity

  • Engaged employees

Optrua professionals create a supportive environment that allows organizations and their employees to thrive in the face of change.

Let's Discuss Your Digital Transformation

CONTACT an Optrua specialist today

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